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Prionocyclus hyatti

Geological Range

Prionocyclus hyatti Zone: Middle Turonian 92.46 ± 0.58

Cenomanian to Santonian

Paleogeographic Distribution

Texas to Kansas

Stratigraphic Occurrences

Crevasse Canyon Formation (NM)
Acadia Park Shale (TX)
Carlile Shale (KS)
Carlile Shale (Blue Hill Shale Member) (KS)
Carlile Shale (SD)
Chispa Summit Formation (TX)
Eagle Ford Shale (TX)
Frontier Formation (WY)
Mancos Shale (NM)
Mancos Shale (Semilla Sandstone Member) (NM)
Boquillas Formation (TX)
Unknown Stage
Eagle Ford Formation (TX)